
제목 타기관 - [연세대학교 융합체육과학선도연구소] 2018 FRICSS International Symposium
작성자 : kscp 등록일 : 2018-04-02 조회수 :658
작성자 kscp 등록일 2018-04-02 조회수 658
첨부파일 2018_FRICSS_flyer.pdf
주제: Evidence-Based Exercise Medicine for the Promotion of Lifelong Health


Kerry S. Courneya (Kinesiology, Sports, and Recreation, University of Alberta, Canada)

Ewa M. Roos (Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

Dong Hoon Lee (Nutrition, Harvard T.H Chan Scool of Public Health, USA)

Chang-Hyung Lee (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pusan National University, Korea)

Justin Y. Jeon (Sports Industry Studies, Yonsei University)

Sae Yong Lee (Physical Education, Yonsei University, Korea) 

  ◾일시: 2018518()

 시간: 12:00 18:00

 장소: 연세대학교, 백양누리, 그랜드볼룸

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